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The Workbook

Her Saviour. Her Healing. Her Faith. Her Formation. Her Transformation. Her Devotion. Her Consecration. Her Adoration. Her Truth. Her Identity. Her Fight. Her Fortitude. Her Gratitude. Her Passion. Her Strengths. Her Weaknesses. Her Purpose.Her Discipline. Her Preparation. Her Heart.Her Thoughts.Her Insecurities. Her Emotions. Her Finances. Her Generosity. Her Legacy. Her Mission. Her Scars. Her Friendships. Her Conversations. Her Community. Her Testimony. Her Commission. Her Witness. Her Fervour. Their Truth. Her Eternity. Her Inspiration.


Follow Her. Those women in the Word. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Lydia, Salome, Prophetess Anna, Priscilla and the ones before the incarnation of Jesus whose faithfulness, perseverance and obedience and devotion we read about now. Deborah, Esther, Rahab, and the widows whose lives demonstrated faith. Sarah, mother of nations and Eve, mother of all living.


Follow Her. Those women you know who you admire and follow from far. Women who inspire you and challenge you through their love for God, people and how they walk in their God-given purpose and steward their gifting. Women who live grounded in their identity as daughters of God. Maybe those women are closer than the pages of your Bible and have faces, voices and frames you are more familiar with.


Follow Her. Grandmothers, mothers, aunts, cousins, leaders, mentors and peers. Women who the world may never publicly celebrate who have shaped and contributed to your desire to become more Christlike in various aspects. Women without an Instagram handle to point people to. Women you consciously or unconsciously followed who ended up making you more like the One we love.


In a world where everyone is looking to develop a following, the biggest question becomes,


"As I follow them, where are they leading me to? "


Follow(H)er is a tool for women under Faithful Follower to help you, beautiful and beloved daughter of God, grow in your relationship with Him and your purpose. It's designed to help you process and work through different components that attribute to who you are and who you are called to be in this cultural moment on the earth to be more effective in your call to be faithful to both the greatest commandment and the Great Commission.


The workbook features 90+ pages with practical exercises designed for you to have space to work through your faith and purpose.



For individual and small group use.

Complete this form to download the Follow(H)er Workbook

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The hers of old and then,

The hers of new and now,

The women of the Word,

The women moulded by the Word,

The women with the fear of the Lord

who fulfilled their purpose in their generation,

The mothers, wives and sisters

who encountered Jesus and became radically different,

The women who served and loved,

The women who poured themselves out.

The women who wanted nothing but Jesus,

The women who lived boldly and kindly,

The women who were light in dark places.

The women who lived for the Lord

in pure adoration, passion and obsession,

in public and in private.

The women whose lives pointed to their one true Love and King.

Follow them.

Follow her.

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