Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
James 1:23
About Us
#onetwoseven is an outreach team based in Nairobi, Kenya founded on the principles of James 1:27 to serve the orphaned, widowed and homeless.​​​#onetwoseven aims to challenge Christians to exercise true religion through catering to some of the basic needs existing among the needy within our community by continuous and consistent acts of love to rebuild hope in the name of Jesus Christ and spread the gospel.
We believe that being a faithful follower of Jesus Christ cannot be complete without taking care of those in society who are often overlooked and forgotten. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, reminding every person we have the opportunity to interact with that they are seen, known and loved by God and by us, fellow human beings. We do this through short-term initiatives that meet the immediate basic needs in our communities and through long-term strategic initiatives designed to develop, equip and empower the marginalized.
Over the last four years, our projects have involved street ministry, catering to the basic and spiritual needs of those in the CBD through evangelism, delivering care packages and special events including Valentine's and Christmas events. In addition to this, we develop relationships with strategic partners to meet the ongoing daily needs of the marginalized in Nairobi.​
Short-term Projects
This arm of #onetwoseven focuses on immediate needs such as care packages which include food and hygiene products. Though we aim to develop programs that are sustainable, replicable and empower those within our community, we recognize the need to develop a lifestyle of generosity, kindness and intentionally by practically loving our neighbors every chance we get.
Our approach will always be people over project. We will not overlook the immediate physical and spiritual needs of the marginalized even as we develop longer-term solutions, programs and partnerships.
Mid-term Projects
We have had a partnership with Cheryl's Children's Home in Dagoretti, serving in different capacities with projects ranging from arts and crafts with the primary school age, donating dry foodstuffs, furniture. clothing, bedding, stationery to the home and hosting special events.
The #onetwoseven initiative at Cheryl's has a specific focus on students at the home exiting primary level education. These are students transitioning into high school from primary school and students in high school transitioning into tertiary level education and adult life.
Our 2019-2020 focus at the home is centered around personal and spiritual development through one-on-one mentorship and small group discussions covering topics such as identity in Christ, academic performance, love & belonging, spiritual growth, purpose, career guidance, economic empowerment & health and fitness.
Join our volunteer database for our upcoming projects based on your interest, skills, experience, and availability.
How you can get involved:
Volunteer your time
Volunteer your skills/ professional experience
Join a prayer team