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O Come, let us Adore Him

2020 is coming to an end, a year that has been characterised by the unexpected. A global pandemic, death, economic shutdowns, racial injustice, the loss of heroes, fires, earthquakes, financial losses, relocations and scaling down....

I've been reflecting on Israel's in-between years; the time between the old and new testaments. The space in time in between the release of prophetic promises and the manifestation of God's Word. The Israelites' Babylonian exile and their defeats, trial and despair. When hope and expectation turned to disappointment and disillusionment. Just when it seemed like God had been silent over generations and slow to rescue and redeem His people, God wraps himself in flesh and is birthed through a teenage Jewish girl. And suddenly, living hope, redemption and salvation came when the King came and dwelt among men. In hopelessness, our hearts grow heavy, hardened and weary of waiting on God. But this is our good news; God with us. In our every trial and circumstance in every season.

O Come, let us adore God with us.

Originally posted on December 25th, 2018

Learning a lot about worship and recognising God’s presence in the small (and sometimes unfulfilled things). How important the arrival of Jesus on earth is to us, and yet how often in our daily lives we don’t recognise ‘baby Jesus’ in various facets of our lives. We fail to recognise His arrival on the scene in our families, health, relationships, finances etc. How often we tend to lean towards worshipping Him when He has already proven His power and Kingship to us. -

Simeon held 8 day old Jesus and said his eyes had seen Salvation,

Anna proclaimed the child as the one to redeem Israel,

The shepherds hurried off to the baby in the manger,

And the Magi saw the star and traveled from the east to worship the King born of the Jews.

Jesus didn’t start being Jesus when the first miracle took place. He already was King, already was Salvation, already the awaited Deliverer. Already was the fulfilment of so many prophecies. Just. By. Being. Born.

Learning I don’t have to see the blessing and know everything to adore Him. He no longer needs to impress me to deserve my worship.Learning to worship Him not because of what I’ve seen Him do but who I know Him to be . My adoration of Him has nothing to do with His manifestation in my life but everything to do with my awareness of who He already was, is and is to come. -

We have the opportunity to behold and worship Him daily. Even in the things we may not yet have seen His fullness. How often we await miracles, breakthrough and blessings to be convinced He really is King.

To live with the revelation that the Magi, Simeon, Anna and the shepherds had is a life goal. To lay aside everything else to worship and adore the baby in the manger. Before having proven Himself with the knowing that He is everything God promises.

I m m a n u e l.

God. With. Us.

He’s with us, even when we don’t feel like He is.

O Come, let us adore Him.

Let us adore Him in the midst of waiting, trial and questioning.

O come, all ye broken-hearted, all ye awaiting breakthrough, miracles and promises.

He is with us.

He came to us.

He is faithful.

He is glorious.

He is King.


Maria Mmari Lasoi  | © 2023 | All Rights Reserved.

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