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Compassion for Self: Your 'Fever' Matters Too

Now as soon as they had come out of the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.  But Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick with a fever, and they told Him about her at once. So He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her. And she served them. Mark 1:29-30

Sometime ago, I found myself going through a little bit of a dark season. I have my go-to people, my covenant friends that I do life with. They have walks with the Lord I admire and are people I know who pursue His Truth and have prayer as part of their lifestyles. They are the 'safe' friends and leaders I trust that have continued to carry me into the presence of God when I couldn't walk in myself, have spoken Truth to me when I have felt a little lost and have been people I have been able to unravel my rawest emotions, thoughts and struggles.

For whatever reason, during that specific period of time, almost every single one of my covenant friends was in a dark season or some sort of wilderness as well whether in regards to their health, family, relationships or finances. In that time I found myself in a place of comparison. I began to feel like my present pain and struggle wasn't as significant as what they were walking through and I didn't want to bother them with what I was going on. '"I didn't want to bother you with all you had going on." , I said to one of my strongest and sweetest friends who had been really undergoing fire then after all had calmed down. Not only did I not want to bother them with what was going on, I did't want to bother God either. It almost felt like complaining. In retrospect, I am now reminded how silly that was because of how deeply affected I had been by that season and my friend helped me see that.

We can think what we are going through is not significant, and compared to what someone else is experiencing and that we should just suck it up and be grateful. And though we are invited to live selfless lives with the focus off ourselves, these is a danger of becoming isolated in our thoughts and struggles cause we don't think they are important as someone else's.

In Mark 1, Jesus had just come from casting out a demon from a man in the synagogue and once they left the synagogue, they were in Simon Peter and Andrew's house. Simon Peter's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever. Later that evening, as narrated by Mark in the chapter, the whole town had gathered at the door of the house and the sick and demon possessed were brought to Jesus and He healed them. In between the casting out of demons in the synagogue and the healing of the sick and casting out of more demons to multitudes later in the chapter was a mother-in-law in bed with a fever. It's easy to think, "Its just a fever, i can live with it." yet when Simon Peter's mother-in-law was healed from her fever, she got out of bed and began to wait on (serve) them. Her fever had limited her mobility and effectiveness. If it hinders your ability to function in what God's calling you to do, in serving God and serving people it matters to Him.

Is there something you are currently going through right now that compared to what other people are going through seems insignificant? Whether emotional, mental, physical or spiritual? Is it constantly on your heart and mind and in some ways has kept you on 'bed rest' and not functioning effectively in what you are called to do ?

It matters to God.

The fever mattered to Jesus. Jesus wasn't just like, "Oh well, she can live with this fever. There are people with more significant illnesses."

Yes, Jesus healed someone who was blind from birth (John 9), mute and deaf (Mark 7:31-37), and healed the man with leprosy (Matthew 8). He raised the 12 year-old girl who had been dead (Matthew 9:18-26) and Lazarus after being dead for days (John 11:38-44), and the woman who had a 12 year bleeding issue (Luke 8:43-48), and caused the lame to walk (John 5), and delivered an isolated demon possessed man who lived out in the tombs who cut himself and healed the boy who would throw himself into the fire or water (Mark 9:22). And He healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law.

Your 'fever' matters. Your symptoms may not feel as significant as someone else's. But Jesus' blood covered it too.

By His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Sometimes we down play what we are going through because it seems insignificant compared to what someone else is walking through. While it's important not to get self-centred and absorbed in our own present struggles and lose sight of everything and everyone else, in the presence of God and with the people that God will bring around us, we are invited to present the 'fever' before a loving Father.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

God never said, "My healing power is reserved for real issues, bigger problems." He never said, "What you are going through is not important." ALL God's children are invited into His presence to seek help in our time of need and sometimes we don't go into His presence for the grace, mercy and healing we need.

The beauty of covenant friendships are that we draw strength from each other, speak Truth to each other and carry each other. The beauty of God is that He is always constantly and readily available.

If it brings sadness, grief, pain, frustration to your heart, then it matters to God. Because He is a Good Father. He cares about every one of His Children.

So this is a loving reminder friend. He cares about your fever too.

Peace and grace,




Laura Grenier
Laura Grenier
Sep 24, 2021

Thhanks for writing this


Jul 08, 2019

I love this blogpost’s a good reminder that whatever we go through whether small or big to take it to the lord for her cares for us and will never dismiss us plus I had never looked at the story of Simon’s mother in law from that point of view.Thank you and may God bless you ❤️❤️

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