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Blog Bites | Compassion Without Comparison

Blog Bites | Compassion Without Comparison

Blog post: Jesus is the ultimate model of what it means to be present and available for people. Without compassion, how can healing be released? How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus to release healing to a broken and hurting world if we feel like our pain is more significant than theirs? Pride and selfishness cannot co-exist with selflessness and compassion. How can you show others that their 'fever' matters too? Remain sensitive - Remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit at work, school, on the street or the store. Intentionally ask people how they are doing and if led, press in past the usual "I'm fine, how are you?" Pay attention to the small things, tone of voice, demeanor, their emotions (whether they are more easily angered or irritable than usual, if they are quieter or sometimes louder than usual. Listen- Listen carefully, patiently and lovingly. Listen without trying to interject to provide a solution. Pray - Not just a 'praying for you' comment. You intentionally take time to pray for them, pray with them and carry them to the feet of Jesus like the four men carried the crippled man. Pray for them then and through the week even during your prayer time intercede for them.Pray for more patience, kindness and grace to walk with someone else through their wilderness. Encourage - Let them know that their present pain is valid. Sometimes we will have the opportunity to insert our own stories as a testimony to inspire hope amid their difficulty but never with the heart to trivialize their pain. Lovingly remind them of their identity as a child of God, equip them with verses to stand on through their trials. God's word stands even when you don't have the right words for them. Check in - Remind them someone cares or is thinking about them.
Identity and Seasons
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