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A Few Dangerous Women first started in 2016 to bring together women from different professional and cultural backgrounds to study women of God.

We have the example of the women in the Word. Women whose light shone bright and made them dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome, Prophetess Anna, Priscilla and the ones before the incarnation of Jesus whose faithfulness, perseverance and obedience and lives we read about now. Eve, mother of all living, Sarah, Deborah, Esther, Rahab, the widows whose lives demonstrated faith in God.


We have some women we know whom we admire and follow from far, women who inspire us and challenge us through their love for God, for people and how they walk in their God-given purpose and steward their gifting. Women who live grounded in their identity as daughters of God. These women may be closer than the pages of our Bibles and have faces, voices and frames we are more familiar with. Grandmothers, mothers, aunts, leaders, mentors and peers. Women whom the world may never know that have shaped us and contributed to our desire to become more Christ-like in various aspects. Women without Instagram handles to point people to.


In a world where everyone is looking to develop a following, the biggest question becomes, "As I follow them, where are they leading me to? "


We need all the generations of women from every ethnicity, socio-economic and age group for what God is doing in the earth today. We glean from the scriptures on women in biblical times and we do life with godly women in the present time. There are women worth following that we may have access to. Who teach us lessons on biblical womanhood, relationships, motherhood and so many things regarding the uniqueness in the identity of daughters of God. There are women worth following who as we follow, we grow in Christlikeness, in the understanding of what we are called to do and whom we are called to love and serve others.


We find women who model out what a sister, mother, friend, colleague surrendered to God looks like. We also become painfully aware of the world we live in with women who:


  • Have not experienced the love of God for themselves

  • Have their identities in the things of this world

  • Harbour deep unspoken pain, mistakes, unforgiveness and brokenness 

  • Have been on the never-ending chase for success, glory in achievement, beauty, and appearance

  • Need the good news of Jesus Christ and the love, forgiveness and identity found in him



As part of the great commission given to us by Jesus Christ, as we go out to share the good news of who Jesus is and we become fisher of men, there will be younger and older women who will need an example of what a Christ-following woman looks like. A Few Dangerous Women is centred on developing discipleship tools, reflection series and host gatherings to help young women grow in their relationship with God, themselves and others and reach others with the message of Jesus Christ.


What would our kingdom impact be on our present cultural moment with just A Few Dangerous Women?




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